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5 Proven Tips To Elevate Allied Health Services On HousingNet

Updated: Sep 10

To stand out in this competitive field, providers must constantly strive to upgrade their services. On HousingNet, allied health tips can elevate a tenant’s experience to the next level.

A smiling young woman in a white medical holds up a cartoon speech bubble that says "Helpful TIPS" in the background shows a medical office setting with the "HousingNet" logo visible.
5 proven tips to elevate your health care services on HousingNet

In today's healthcare landscape, offering top-notch services is essential for Health Care Service Providers, especially those connected to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Participants are looking for personalized support that not only addresses their immediate health needs but also helps them achieve their long-term health goals.

In this article, we will explore four simple and easily implementable tips to help Allied Health Providers (Health Care Service Providers) enhance their services and make a lasting impact on their tenants' lives. Read on till the end for a fifth (bonus) tip that can make you really stand out against your competitors!

1. Personalised Support for Participant Health Goals

Starting off, we have the cornerstone of exceptional healthcare services - personalisation. All participants have unique health needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach won't cut it. To upgrade your services, focus on tailoring your care plans to meet the specific needs and goals of each participant. Take the time to understand their medical history, preferences, and aspirations. This personalized approach will not only improve health outcomes but also foster trust and satisfaction among the participants.

A close-up view of a female healthcare professional's hands holding a clipboard with a survey form.
Conducting surveys to understand participants' medical history, preferences, and aspirations promotes trust and satisfaction among participants.

On HousingNet, you can do this in the form of a short survey form or face-to-face discussion with the participants about their needs and the best plan to achieving them. Doing this creates a fool-proof way of understanding their unique needs and allows you to prepare adequately beforehand. It also establishes you as a professional and improves your impression, putting the participants at ease.

2. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are crucial in providing outstanding healthcare services. Regularly engage with participants, their families, and other healthcare professionals involved in their care. Encourage open dialogue, listen to feedback, and be proactive in addressing concerns. Collaboration with other service providers can lead to holistic care plans that consider all aspects of a participant's well-being.

A male healthcare professional in a white uniform is speaking with an elderly in her wheelchair while engaging in conversation with participants.
Regularly communicate with participants and their families to listen to feedback and proactively address concerns.

Like with any other relationship, this involves initiative on your part, and especially in the case of a provider-participant relationship. Having a productive conversation about boundaries, requirements, medication, and any other relevant issues can be helpful to establish the environment you will be operating in.

3. Embrace Technology

In today's digital age, healthcare providers can leverage technology to streamline processes and enhance service delivery. Consider implementing electronic health records (EHRs) to centralize participant information, making it easily accessible to you. Telehealth services can also be beneficial, especially in situations where in-person visits are challenging. Embracing technology can improve efficiency and provide a more seamless experience for participants.

A young practitioner in a light blue uniform sits on a couch next to an older woman. They are looking at a tablet or device together. The older woman is wearing glasses and a white top. The setting appears to be a home or care facility in iPad device to discuss about the electronic health records (EHRs) with her participant
Electronic health records (EHRs) are implemented and provide participants with easy access to healthcare services including telehealth services.

With HousingNet, you will get used to the website’s easy functionality to connect you to the tenants and any relevant information/procedures, but you can also be more efficient on your end when it comes to the actual job. In the case there is a large amount of information to be stored about a participant, knowing the relevant technology you can access can help reduce your time and efforts, giving you more time to attend to the participant’s needs.

4. Education and Empowerment

One of the most impactful ways to upgrade your healthcare services is by focusing on education and empowerment. Equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their health effectively. Offer workshops, webinars, and resources that promote healthy habits and self-care. When participants are actively involved in their healthcare journey, they are more likely to achieve lasting results.

A smiling expert in a light  uniform  shirt stands in the foreground of a medical or office setting. Behind him, a diverse group of healthcare professionals and office workers can be seen seated in the training room.
Participate in seminars and webinars that are resources that can help you on your wellness journey to be more likely to achieve long-term results.

You can find a variety of different resources on the web to help you upskill yourself. If you’re connected with a company, check in to see if there are any training exercises being run in office or courses online that you can do. Examples of some courses include the E-learning modules on the NDIS website, or even this list that compiles a few options. Knowledge really is power, and in case you feel like you’re well-read, there’s no harm in reading up a little on these topics, as the rules can change from time to time.

So, as Health Care Service Provider connected to the NDIS, upgrading your services is not just about meeting the required standards. It's about making a meaningful impact on the lives of participants. By offering personalized support, fostering communication and collaboration, embracing technology, and promoting education and empowerment, you can improve your services to the tenants of the platform in need of your services.


Before we round up this post, as promised, we have a fifth and final bonus tip to make your future as a provider get that extra cherry on the top to make you well-rounded and in-demand.

5. Cultivate an Impressive Appearance, Online and Offline

The way your healthcare service presents itself can significantly influence participants' perceptions and experiences. Invest in creating an inviting and well-maintained environment, both in person and on the internet. The first thing anyone does to learn about a person in today’s day and age is do a quick Google search to see their online presence. Making sure that you come off professional, knowledgeable and approachable should be of importance – especially on a platform like LinkedIn. If you haven’t explored it already, check out this quick guide to set one up for yourself and consider joining the LinkedIn NDIS Community.

Healthcare professionals must appear presentable to discuss online with participants in the medical professional's office currently practicing problem solving.
Attendee attendance should be given serious consideration and thorough preparation prior to an online or in-person meeting.

In person, maintaining your appearance is also equally important. Long nails, unkept hair, or exposed cuts/scratches are not only a health issue for the participants you’re working with but can also negatively impact the impression you give as a provider who adheres to the rules. For some participants, even bright colours and certain designs on clothing can make them uncomfortable, so wearing simple, neutral clothing is the safest option for most cases.


As a supporter on the platform, you can make a tenant’s stay feel hospitable, warm and safe. This is a truly special ability – one that can transform someone’s experience beyond their expectations. Keeping these things in mind will enhance the process not only for you, but for them as well.



At HousingNet, our mission extends to facilitating individuals' search for the ideal living environment within the NDIS framework, encompassing SIL, SDA, MTA, and STA accommodations. We believe this mission transcends mere commercial real estate ventures, as it involves fostering connections with neighbourhoods, communities.


Moreover, we are committed to linking participants of national NDIS initiatives with comprehensive insights and diverse service options to enhance their personal well-being and contribute to public health. These services encompass allied health disciplines, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, nursing care, dietetics, and more. Our platform facilitates not only search functionalities but also consultation, appointment scheduling with experts, rating systems, and notification features, alongside other user-friendly applications available through HousingNet.


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  1. NDIS. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS. Published 2019.

  2. Healthcare IT News – The Role of Technology in Modern Healthcare. Healthcare IT News. Published 2019.


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